Natural Frequency Test Stand | NFT


High-precision test bench for determining natural frequencies and damping with an interface to ProLINK

With the Natural Frequency Test Stand |NFT it is possible to determine the dynamic parameters (natural frequencies and damping) of various technical components with one click.

For example, in the development and production of brake systems, brake linings are of central importance. The dynamic parameters of the brake pads are essential characteristics both for simulating the brakes during the development process and for quality control in production. The metrological determination of the dynamic variables (also modal variables) of brake linings is described in SAE J2598, for example. With LINK, MAUL-THEET offers a complete system that automatically carries out and evaluates these measurements in accordance with SAE J2598 at the push of a button. The data obtained in this way can be stored in ProLINK or output as ASCII, PDF and CSV.

Advantages & Innovation

Automatic measurement with just one mouse click

Central database through ProLINK

Vibration measurement with Laser Doppler Vibrometer, accelerometer or microphone

excitation by automatic modal hammer

Easy to use software

Cost and time savings due to low personnel costs

Automated test system for determining natural frequencies and damping

Calculation of Damping or Loss Factor according to SAE J2598

Quality factor for damping value

Frequency range up to 100 kHz

Frequency resolution < 1Hz at 20 kHz

Automatic measurement protocol generation

Freely selectable dB values for the attenuation calculation

Software guided measurement

NFT | SAE J2598

PDF-Datasheet | NFT

Applications & Integrations

damping values for brake pads according to SAE J2598

Quality control

Sampling inspection

Material testing

Research and Development

Product testing

model updating

experimental modal analysis

The NFT consists of a steel plate with integrated foam with the following components:

Excitation Unit

The broad band excitation is done with an Automatic Impact Hammer:

Frequency Range 0.3 to 40 kHz

Impact Force up to 200N peak

High Reproducibility

Vibration Sensor

The following sensors can be used with the VTS:

Laser Doppler Vibrometer

Acceleration Sensor


Data Acquisition

4 Channel DAQ synchronous sampling:

AC, DC and IEPE Coupling

Frequency Ranges 1 kHz to 100 kHz

Frequency Resolution100 to 26500 FFT Lines

Windows PC

All in One PC with Windows 10:


256 GB SSD

NFT Software

The vNFT software controls the entire testing process. It includes the automatic measurement of test objects (One Click), the analysis, as well as the documentation and the creation of reports.

Part type specification:

Name and Meta data

dB Values for Damping Calculation (0.5 to 3dB)

Frequency range 1 kHz - 20 kHz selectable

Frequency Resolution (No of FFT lines) selectable

Measurement Procedure based on Work Order:

Serial Measurement

Repetition Measurement

Automatic Measurement Procedure:

Triggering of Automatic Impact Hammer

Measurement of Excitation Force and Vibration Response

Averaging the FRF

Peak Picking, Damping Calculation and Sentencing

Reporting Output of Work Order Results as Chart to:

Printer, PDF, Excel, CSV, etc.

Data Export:


